Today it has been announced in parliament what businesses can reopen on 4th July.
It is looking likely that Reflexology will not be one of them. Whilst specifics have not yet been published on Gov.org I am assuming that Reflexology will come under massage (it is not massage.. and if you know me you will have heard me rant about this before!) However, massage therapists will not be able to practice until further notice. As I mentioned before the specifics have not yet been published...so watch this space!
When I can resume Reflexology there will be some inevitable changes. This is for your safety and mine. I'm required by my professional association, The Association of Reflexologists, to adhere to strict hygiene and treatment guidelines
When you make an appointment, whether by email,text, phone or online, I will need you to fill in a risk assessment around Covid 19. If all is well, once you arrive at my treatment room I will require you to wash your hands before entering. Please do not bring any handbags or any other non essential items with you. If you feel that you need some water you can bring a bottle to drink from.
I will also require you to wear a mask and I will be wearing a mask. This will be throughout the entirety of the treatment
I have always given the option of payment by cash or card. For the time being, and certainly until the end of this year, I will only take card payments
At the end of your treatment( before you leave) you will need to wash your hands.
As I'm writing this I am absolutely aware how prescriptive and clinical that it all sounds. We have been bombarded with negativity now for close to 3 months. There has been fear,anxiety and detatchment from loved ones for so many and we are all in dire need of love and human connection more than ever. So please...whilst there will be changes...know that I am still the same therapist under the mask. I will still be treating your feet, and you, with the same love and care.
If we are going to be tasked to returning to a new normal lets not make it one of fear,anxiety and division but one where we can reset our factory settings back to who we truly are.
I cannot wait to see you